At Oak Harvest Financial Group, we believe that working as a team is the secret to our success.

Our clients benefit from hearing a wide range of options and can work with anyone on our team who can best help them with their specific problems. What’s more, our team is always learning from the collective wisdom and positive interaction that we share with each other — and our clients — every day.

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    Why Oak Harvest

    Our Founders


    Troy Sharpe CFP®, CTS™, Founder and CEO

    Troy Sharpe

    As CEO, Troy is responsible for the vision, execution and delivery of services at Oak Harvest Financial Group. He is the creator of the firm’s Retirement Success Plan (RSP), which is a customized blueprint for coordinating investments, income, taxes, health care and estate planning into a comprehensive plan of action and timeline.

    Troy is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional (CFP®), Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®) and Certified Tax Specialist® (CTS®). He holds a Series 65 Investment Advisor license and a Texas life insurance license.

    Troy earned his finance degree from Florida State University and completed his Certified Financial Planning certification at the Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies at Rice University. He then completed his CPWA® coursework through the Yale School of Management. The CPWA® certification is administered by the Investments and Wealth Institute.

    You can hear Troy at 12 p.m. each Sunday on NewsRadio AM740, KTRH, when he hosts The Retirement Income Show®. And you can see Troy on our Oak Harvest YouTube page. There, he regularly shares videos to help educate clients and prospective customers on the basics and the nuances of retirement planning, estate planning, income generation, tax strategies, investment management and more.

    Troy spends his free time golfing, cooking, reading and relaxing. He is also a big supporter of many charities in the local Houston area that share similar values, with a focus on faith, family and children.

    Oak Harvest Financial Group (OHFG) Founder and CEO Troy Sharpe CFP®, CPWA®, CTS®, was recently recognized by online media publisher Investopedia as one of their Top 100 Financial Advisors nationwide.

    Considered among the leading resources of financial content on the web and the “go-to” source for individuals when it comes to consumer financial and investor-focused information since 1999, the prestigious award was launched in 2017, spotlighting the country’s most engaged, influential and educational advisors. The annual award highlights their top 100-ranked Financial Advisor’s out of 100,000+ independent advisors nationwide.

    In speaking about the award, Troy expressed his gratitude and belief that while he is proud to be named among such an elite group of financial advisors, what it really signifies is recognition of the firm’s approach. One built upon the talent and level of genuine commitment to helping clients achieve their retirement dreams that the team assembled by OHFG has been able to institute and achieve.

    You can watch the full interview above to learn more from Troy directly on what the award signifies, and more importantly about what you and your family can expect and how you can benefit in partnering with OHFG.


    Jessica Cannella, Co-Founder and President

    Jessica Cannella

    Jessica, as the Co-Founder and President of Oak Harvest Financial Group, has a clear mission - to educate, inspire, and financially prepare couples and individuals for a fearless and fulfilling retirement. With over 20 years of experience in the retirement planning industry, her goal is to alleviate the stress around investment management and financial planning. She engages all levels of financial savvy, from the novice to the expert, believing that clarity begets confidence. Having worked with hundreds of families, she understands that every plan must be flexible and built on communication and mutual understanding to bring their retirement vision to reality.

    In addition to her role at Oak Harvest, Jessica is the Founder of the Go-Go Sisterhood™, a social club for women in retirement, dedicated to connecting women to their money, each other, and their community through meaningful shared experiences. The Go-Go Sisterhood™ is host to educational workshops on a wide range of topics including charitable events and volunteer opportunities to make a local community impact. Jessica's commitment to empowering women in retirement is driven by her belief that women deserve to enjoy a financially fearless and fulfilling retirement with great purpose and in good company.

    At home, Jessica enjoys spending quality time with her toddler, Sebastian, and biking on the scenic trails of the many parks in the Houston area.

    The Retirement Income Show Logo


    Listen to our radio show hosted by Troy Sharpe at 12 p.m. every Sunday on 740 AM Newsradio 740KTRH.

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    Plan for your retirement more effectively, through informative case studies on challenges faced by people just like you.

    Stock Talk Weekly Podcast

    Stock Talk

    Listen to Stock Talk to learn more about OHFG's view of the capital markets.