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Annuity Videos

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Using a Fixed Index Annuity as an Income Planning Strategy

Your Portfolio: Jessica Cannella: We’re going to talk today about how to use a fixed index annuity in your portfolio as an income planning strategy. Now, that is very different than what we just discussed in my previous video about using it for for guaranteed income stream or an income…

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How To Use a Fixed Indexed Annuity for Future Streams of Income in Your Portfolio

  Jessica Cannella: I’m Jessica Cannella, co-founder and president of Oak Harvest Financial Group and investment advisor. Today, we are going to continue our conversation on the tool called a fixed index annuity. Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the tool, I definitely recommend going back and watching our video that’s…

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Tax Planning In Retirement with Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuities

  Troy Sharpe: Today, I want to incorporate tax strategies into the guaranteed lifetime income planning, continuing along with this annuity series that we’ve been doing, to show you how it can have positive ripple effects throughout the rest of your income in retirement. What I find in my experience…

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Retirement Annuity Questions and Comments Answered!

Troy: First and foremost I want to say thank you very much for commenting and putting these questions in. It gives me more content to put out here on the channel. If you’re thinking about commenting or you have a question, write it in there. I may not get back…

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income Benefits for Fixed Index Annuities in Retirement

Troy Sharpe: Do you have enough? Can you retire? How long will your money last, and if something happens to you will your family be okay? These are the big questions that millions of people just like you struggle with leading into retirement and even in retirement. Continuing along with…

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Choosing the Right Annuity For Safe Growth in Retirement

Troy Sharpe: We’re going to dive into the safe growth function of the fixed indexed annuity. How are they designed? How do they earn interest? How is all that calculated? What do you need to know to make a better decision when looking at fixed indexed annuities? Now, this video…

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Fixed Indexed Annuities – The Basics

Troy Sharpe: What are fixed indexed annuities? How do they work? Are they truly safe? How do you earn interest? We’re going to dig into all of that in this video. After, you’re going to be more educated than many financial advisors in this country. Hi, I’m Troy Sharpe, CEO…

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Your Retirement Annuity Questions and Comments Answered!

The Annuity Series has provided a lot of good comments, some questions, and also, I’ve angered a couple of people. I want to take the time to address some of these comments and questions in this video. I think this is a great idea as we go through this series…

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Multi-Year Guaranteed Rate Annuities vs CDs for Your Retirement Plan

Troy Sharpe: Most consumers are unaware that life insurance companies have CD-like tools that typically offer higher interest rates and also come with some additional tax advantages. We’re going to look at, what’s known as MYGAs or multi-year guaranteed rate annuities, what the benefits and downsides are to help you…

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Retirement Annuities Explained – Introduction to Annuities

Troy Sharpe: $254.6 billion of annuities were purchased in 2021. Of those purchasers, how many do you think actually bought their annuity as part of a comprehensive retirement plan versus those who maybe just went to a dinner seminar, got a pitch, and bought an annuity that they know nothing…

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Fixed Indexed Annuity: Volatility Control Index and how it can help you get 100% Participation Rates

Troy Sharpe:  In this video, I’m going to show you how one of the more innovative concepts in the life insurance industry can allow you to have participation rates over 100% plus  no cap whatsoever on your potential growth, along with usually no annual fees and no spread for a…

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Fixed Index Annuity: How To Get The Most Possible Guaranteed Lifetime Income

Troy Sharpe: How do you get the most guaranteed lifetime income when building a retirement plan that allows you to maintain your standard of living and quality of life throughout retirement? [music] Hi, I’m Troy Sharpe, CEO of Oak Harvest Financial Group, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional (CFP®), and host of…

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