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Can you retire? These guides are served to make you more informed and prepared to make the right decisions for your retirement. Stay current about various financial topics so you can prepare to enter retirement with confidence.

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social security decisions

Social Security Decisions

tax strategies for retirement

Tax Strategies for Retirement

Survivor Checklist

Survivor Checklist

layoff guide

10-Step Layoff Survival Guide

Longevity Whitepaper

Longevity Whitepaper

Kiplinger Tax Strategies

Kiplinger- 5 Tax Strategies to Help You Hold on to Your Money in Retirement

Finding Your Balance

Finding Your Balance

The Retirement Income Show Logo


Listen to our radio show hosted by Troy Sharpe at 12 p.m. every Sunday on 740 AM Newsradio 740KTRH.

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Plan for your retirement more effectively, through informative case studies on challenges faced by people just like you.

Stock Talk Weekly Podcast

Stock Talk

Listen to Stock Talk to learn more about OHFG's view of the capital markets.