Oak Harvest Gives Back A Make-A-Wish Trip To Hawaii

Our biggest passion at Oak Harvest

Jessica: When you find something that you love to do, and for me, it’s helping other people, it doesn’t feel like work. Wow. You could move people to do things. You can accomplish so much more when people feel inspired, and I find Make-A-Wish to be very, very inspiring. You want to be on your team, and I knew I wanted to be on your team as soon as I heard your story. Part of that means that we get to make your wish come true, and you and your family are going to go to Hawaii and you’re leaving in about two weeks.

Granting Chrischell’s wish

Jessica: I’m so proud of you and I think you’re so special and sparkly. It is my honor to be able to help you make your wish come true today. You go, girl.

What Inspired Oak Harvest to work with Make-A-Wish?

Jessica: I’ve known about Make-A-Wish since I was 16 or 17 years old because I worked in a grocery store and one of my bosses was like, I was very social, much like yourself, and I wanted to talk to everybody. He’s like, “Oh, you love talking so much. Here, go hand these candles out.” It was really the first lesson that I learned in entrepreneurship, and that that’s which means when you own your own business.

I knew that was what I was meant to do because I asked for them to let me use one of the grills that we had in the store and go out and cook these hot dogs and sell them for a dollar. We topped the district’s records in selling Make-A-Wish candles. It was really, after learning what the foundation stood for, that inspired me to like, okay, how can we 10 times this?

When I was talking with Chrischell, I asked her to share with me a little bit about her journey and what it was like to be her on this journey.

Chrischell shares her experience with cancer

Chrischell: In the beginning I didn’t know what was happening, so I didn’t really think of it, but during the middle, I was okay. Then at the end, I was like I knew what was happening.

Speaker 1: Yes, and you were probably like, ‘I’m over this.’ What do you think really helped you to keep fighting?

Speaker 3: My mom.

Speaker 1: Really? What was that like? What did she do?

Speaker 3: Confidence.

Speaker 1: I said, did you know you were going to be cancer? She said, yes, I knew that. I said, how did you know that? Well, my mom told me I would. Chrischelle believed in her team. She believed in her doctors, her mother, her siblings, and she believed in herself most of all. I think that is so courageous for sure. Do you want to say thank you everyone for coming?

Speaker 3: Thank you.


Speaker 2: Chrischell had one question for me at the end of our visit during our interview, and it was Can I come work for you? Yes, yes. Women taking over a male dominant industry, I love it. Thank you for letting us come on your journey with you, because people need to know about what the Make-A-Wish Foundation stands for.

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