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Investment Management

News and Noise

oak harvest financial group Oak Harvest Financial Group
News or Noise with Chris

The Investment Team at Oak Harvest Financial Group is pleased to introduce a new release in which we will examine a news item, headline, or story making the rounds from publicly available sources and ask, “Is it News or Noise”?

As you know, our constant advice for investors is to “tune out the noise.” But sometimes it is hard to know what’s noiseand what’s not! That’s what this series is going to be about.

Our goal here is to approach these stories and each topic from an independent, investor-first, standpoint, divorce ourselves from personal feelings, emotional bias, or political opinion, and briefly analyze what we believe each story means for long-term investors.

These are going to be quick, casual, opinion pieces, and while we will use data to support our view, we will most likely be wrong in our interpretations, at least some of the time. However, we are looking to practice what we preach, and to help investors to rationally and critically analyze emotion laden stories.

So with that said…

News or Noise?

Federal Reserve Member Selection and Appointments – News or Noise?!

Oak Harvest is politically neutral. We favor no politician, political party, or group, and evaluate the potential impacts of policies and ideas on the economy, markets, and personal finances only. Is This Headline News or Noise? Hello, I’m Chris Perras, Chief Investment Officer with Oak Harvest Financial Group.  The investment…

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Jeremy Grantham Predicting Stock Market Crash in 2021! Debunking Myths | News or Noise?

Is This Headline News Or Noise? How many times the last few years have you turned on a financial news network and seen the following headline?  “Legendary investor says” or “Billionaire hedge fund manager predicts” followed most of the time, by some very well-articulated thesis of doom or collapse? Just…

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Federal Government to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains?

  Is this headline News or Noise? Oak Harvest is politically neutral. We favor no politician, political party, or group, and evaluate the potential impacts of policies and ideas on the economy, markets, and personal finances only. After seemingly abandoning a push to raise corporate tax rates from the current…

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Congress Seizing your Private Retirement Savings?

  Is this headline News or Noise?  For one reason or another, every 6 to 12 months, since 2008 or 2009, an unsubstantiated story seems to make the rounds that the US government is looking at confiscating your IRA and 401(k) retirement savings accounts. This is categorically false. All of…

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Is an energy crisis coming to the United States?

  News or Noise?!  Is a 1970’s style energy crisis coming to the United States? Now that the Covid-Delta wave is subsiding in the US, the networks have taken up a new fear.  The energy crisis in Europe and China and how it might spill over to the US. Let’s…

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Is the Facebook Whistleblower Situation Significant for Investors?

News or Noise: Would Regulation of Social Media Companies Hurt Their Profitability? In today’s world, social media is everywhere we turn. The cat is out of the bag and the future remains on-line and connected.  The continued movement of our society, and younger generations, from “analog” (radio, broadcast TV, cable)…

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Is Evergrande China’s “Lehman Moment”?

News or Noise?! Is China’s Evergrande real estate property developer defaulting on their debt their version of a “Lehman moment”? Evergrande financed its expansion almost entirely through Chinese banks and investment products sold to domestic Chinese investors not through international banks. Problems at Evergrande have been well-published starting over 5…

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Internal Democrat Issues Derailing Massive Spending Plan?

News or Noise?! Are Democrats having internal party-issues regarding their $3.5 trillion social-economic makeover spending program? The Senate will control the process of moving this package forward and with the Senate being held by the narrowest of margins by the Democratic party, they will need everyone backing the plan in…

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October Down 10%?

News or Noise?! Is a 10% October Pullback likely?? Tom Lee is a well respected and very intelligent market strategist. However, some of his calls for the last year have missed the mark. In April, Lee called for a rally in the S&P500 to 4400 to take place over the…

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Midweek: News or Noise?!

  The investment team at Oak Harvest Financial Group is pleased to introduce a new mid-week release in which we will examine a news item, headline, or story making the rounds from publicly available sources and ask, “Is it News or Noise?” As you know, our constant advice for investors…

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