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Investment Management

News and Noise

oak harvest financial group Oak Harvest Financial Group
News or Noise with Chris

The Investment Team at Oak Harvest Financial Group is pleased to introduce a new release in which we will examine a news item, headline, or story making the rounds from publicly available sources and ask, “Is it News or Noise”?

As you know, our constant advice for investors is to “tune out the noise.” But sometimes it is hard to know what’s noiseand what’s not! That’s what this series is going to be about.

Our goal here is to approach these stories and each topic from an independent, investor-first, standpoint, divorce ourselves from personal feelings, emotional bias, or political opinion, and briefly analyze what we believe each story means for long-term investors.

These are going to be quick, casual, opinion pieces, and while we will use data to support our view, we will most likely be wrong in our interpretations, at least some of the time. However, we are looking to practice what we preach, and to help investors to rationally and critically analyze emotion laden stories.

So with that said…

News or Noise?

S&P 500 Boots Out Number One Electric Vehicle Maker In The World – Tesla

Mid last week the S&P500 booted the number one electric vehicle maker in the world, Tesla, off its ESG Index as part of its annual reconstitution.  Yes, you heard that right.  They deemed Tesla, ESG unworthy. I’m Chris Perras, Chief Investment Officer with Oak Harvest Financial Group. And This is…

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Crypto Terra Luna Crash Loses $40 Billion | News or Noise

Mid-last week, the latest and largest failure to date in the crypto space transpired. It centered around a cryptocurrency called “Luna,” which was theoretically backing a controversial stable coin named TerraUSD. I’m Chris Perras, Chief Investment Officer with Oak Harvest Financial Group. And This is our investment team’s mid-week release…

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Balance Sheet Runoff and Feds Funds Borrowing Rate – News or Noise to Your Portfolio!

News or Noise: Newsworthy On Wednesday May 4th, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell announced the first 50 basis point raise in short term interest rates in years and the status of the quantitative tightening, Fed balance sheet runoff schedule. Federal Reserve moves are newsworthy to your investments whether…

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News or Noise: Economic Slowdown?

U.S GDP Drops -1.4% | Are we Headed Towards a Recession?

On Thursday April 29th, the Commerce Department reported that America’s first quarter GDP growth came in at -1.4%, below economists’ expectations of a positive +1.0%.  This is the first negative print quarter since the Covid induced flash recession in the 2nd quarter of 2020.  Is it time to panic, sell…

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Is Inflation Going to Keep Rising? News or Noise?!

Viewers, summer comes earlier and earlier every year.  No, I am In not talking about “climate change in Houston”.  I am talking about the very normal consumer discretionary and durable goods slowdown that has hit several stocks very hard the last few weeks. This is on the back of calendarizing…

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No News for Week of 4/18

Unfortunately, there will be no News or Noise for the week of 4/18. We will resume our News or Noise on the week of 4/25. Thank you for understanding. 

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Economic Growth Has Peaked | Noisy Proclamations on the Bond Market and Yield Curve

Chris Perras: Viewers, everyone is now a bond market and yield curve expert. Turn on any financial news network the last two weeks and it’s a herd of analysts, strategists, economists, and hedge fund managers who manage everything from nothing to only high growth technology stocks, all commenting or pontificating…

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Did We Just Have A Bear Market Rally? | News or Noise?

Viewers, apparently, many stock strategists and TV financial news commentators are taking their cues from politicians nowadays.  What do I mean?  I mean, they are of the belief that if you say something enough times on TV, regardless of whether it is factually correct or not, it is truth or,…

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Stock Market Alert – Exchange Traded Notes and Your Investment Portfolio

  Long-time listeners know that I have a soapbox that I like to stand on and rant from occasionally. One of my favorite topics to “rant” about is the Exchange Traded Note or ETN market. This market is often confused with the ETF market. Viewers, they are not the same!…

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Interest Rate Forecasting – Does it Affect Your Portfolio! | News or Noise

  The Federal Reserve is starting to raise rates in March and sell side strategist are saying they’ll raise short term interest rates 5, no its six, no 7, nope I raise your seven and its 8 times this year to combat inflation.  How do we know? Well Fed Funds…

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Russia Invades Ukraine – Will It Affect Your Investments | News or Noise

Russia invaded Ukraine and the US and its allies are issuing sanctions against Russia, sell my stocks! No, Please, don’t do that! I’m Chris Perras, Chief Investment Officer with Oak Harvest Financial Group. And This is our investment team’s mid-week release when we examine a news item, headline, or story…

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News or Noise | Oak Harvest Market Outlook Summit

    Hey, I’m Chris Perras, Chief Investment Officer at Oak Harvest Financial Group in Houston, Texas. You might be joining us for our news or noise segment that we normally release on Wednesdays. We’re skipping that this week because tonight, at 6:00 PM central time, our whole team is…

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